ijkplayer框架简析 -- 读取数据

 5 years ago
source link: http://yydcdut.com/2019/03/30/ijkplayer-stream-open/?amp%3Butm_medium=referral
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IjkMediaPlayer 通过 prepareAsync() 之后去加载数据、解码数据,调用 start() 之后去渲染


static VideoState *stream_open(FFPlayer *ffp, const char *filename, AVInputFormat *iformat)
    // ..........
    /* start video display */
    if (frame_queue_init(&is->pictq, &is->videoq, ffp->pictq_size, 1) < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (frame_queue_init(&is->subpq, &is->subtitleq, SUBPICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE, 0) < 0)
        goto fail;
    if (frame_queue_init(&is->sampq, &is->audioq, SAMPLE_QUEUE_SIZE, 1) < 0)
        goto fail;

    if (packet_queue_init(&is->videoq) < 0 ||
        packet_queue_init(&is->audioq) < 0 ||
        packet_queue_init(&is->subtitleq) < 0)
        goto fail;
    // ..........
    is->video_refresh_tid = SDL_CreateThreadEx(&is->_video_refresh_tid, video_refresh_thread, ffp, "ff_vout");
    if (!is->video_refresh_tid) {
        return NULL;

    is->initialized_decoder = 0;
    is->read_tid = SDL_CreateThreadEx(&is->_read_tid, read_thread, ffp, "ff_read");
    if (!is->read_tid) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "SDL_CreateThread(): %s\n", SDL_GetError());
        goto fail;
  • frame_queue_init() 初始化队列,第一个参数是解码之后的队列(FrameQueue),第二个参数是解码之前的队列(PackerQueue)
  • packet_queue_init() 给 PacketQueue 创建互斥锁
  • 创建两个线程
    • ff_vout
    • ff_read

其中 ff_read 为读取线程,调用的是 read_thread() 方法


/* this thread gets the stream from the disk or the network */
static int read_thread(void *arg)
    // ....
    ic = avformat_alloc_context();
    // ....
    err = avformat_open_input(&ic, is->filename, is->iformat, &ffp->format_opts);
    // ....
    err = avformat_find_stream_info(ic, opts);
    // ....
    /* open the streams */
    if (st_index[AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO] >= 0) {
        stream_component_open(ffp, st_index[AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO]);
    } else {
        ffp->av_sync_type = AV_SYNC_VIDEO_MASTER;
        is->av_sync_type  = ffp->av_sync_type;

    ret = -1;
    if (st_index[AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO] >= 0) {
        ret = stream_component_open(ffp, st_index[AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO]);
    if (is->show_mode == SHOW_MODE_NONE)
        is->show_mode = ret >= 0 ? SHOW_MODE_VIDEO : SHOW_MODE_RDFT;

    if (st_index[AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE] >= 0) {
        stream_component_open(ffp, st_index[AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE]);
    // ....
    for (;;) {
        ret = av_read_frame(ic, pkt);
        // ...
         if (pkt->stream_index == is->audio_stream && pkt_in_play_range) {
            packet_queue_put(&is->audioq, pkt);
        } else if (pkt->stream_index == is->video_stream && pkt_in_play_range
                   && !(is->video_st && (is->video_st->disposition & AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC))) {
            packet_queue_put(&is->videoq, pkt);
        } else if (pkt->stream_index == is->subtitle_stream && pkt_in_play_range) {
            packet_queue_put(&is->subtitleq, pkt);
        } else {
        // ....

read_thread() 整体流程跟 ffmpeg 类似,数据会在在 for(;;) 中进行读取,通过 packet_queue_put() 塞到队列中;同时在 stream_component_open() 方法中开启另外的线程进行解码


关于 av_read_frame() 可以参考 ijkplayer框架简析 — av_read_frame


/* open a given stream. Return 0 if OK */
static int stream_component_open(FFPlayer *ffp, int stream_index)
    // ...
    codec = avcodec_find_decoder(avctx->codec_id);

    switch (avctx->codec_type) {
        case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO   : is->last_audio_stream    = stream_index; forced_codec_name = ffp->audio_codec_name; break;
        case AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE: is->last_subtitle_stream = stream_index; forced_codec_name = ffp->subtitle_codec_name; break;
        case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO   : is->last_video_stream    = stream_index; forced_codec_name = ffp->video_codec_name; break;
        default: break;
    if (forced_codec_name)
        codec = avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(forced_codec_name);
    // ...
    switch (avctx->codec_type) {
        /* prepare audio output */
        if ((ret = audio_open(ffp, channel_layout, nb_channels, sample_rate, &is->audio_tgt)) < 0)
            goto fail;
        // ...
        decoder_init(&is->auddec, avctx, &is->audioq, is->continue_read_thread);
        // ...
        if ((ret = decoder_start(&is->auddec, audio_thread, ffp, "ff_audio_dec")) < 0)
            goto out;
        SDL_AoutPauseAudio(ffp->aout, 0);
        is->video_stream = stream_index;
        is->video_st = ic->streams[stream_index];

        if (ffp->async_init_decoder) {
            while (!is->initialized_decoder) {
            if (ffp->node_vdec) {
                is->viddec.avctx = avctx;
                ret = ffpipeline_config_video_decoder(ffp->pipeline, ffp);
            if (ret || !ffp->node_vdec) {
                decoder_init(&is->viddec, avctx, &is->videoq, is->continue_read_thread);
                ffp->node_vdec = ffpipeline_open_video_decoder(ffp->pipeline, ffp);
                if (!ffp->node_vdec)
                    goto fail;
        } else {
            decoder_init(&is->viddec, avctx, &is->videoq, is->continue_read_thread);
            ffp->node_vdec = ffpipeline_open_video_decoder(ffp->pipeline, ffp);
            if (!ffp->node_vdec)
                goto fail;
        if ((ret = decoder_start(&is->viddec, video_thread, ffp, "ff_video_dec")) < 0)
            goto out;
    // ...

先通过 avcodec_find_decoder() 来找解码器,然后判断是音频还是视频来进行解码



如果是音频的话,首先调用 audio_open() 方法

static int audio_open(FFPlayer *opaque, int64_t wanted_channel_layout, int wanted_nb_channels, int wanted_sample_rate, struct AudioParams *audio_hw_params)
    FFPlayer *ffp = opaque;
    VideoState *is = ffp->is;
    SDL_AudioSpec wanted_spec, spec;
    const char *env;
    static const int next_nb_channels[] = {0, 0, 1, 6, 2, 6, 4, 6};
#ifdef FFP_MERGE
    static const int next_sample_rates[] = {0, 44100, 48000, 96000, 192000};
    static const int next_sample_rates[] = {0, 44100, 48000};
    int next_sample_rate_idx = FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(next_sample_rates) - 1;

    env = SDL_getenv("SDL_AUDIO_CHANNELS");
    if (env) {
        wanted_nb_channels = atoi(env);
        wanted_channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(wanted_nb_channels);
    if (!wanted_channel_layout || wanted_nb_channels != av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(wanted_channel_layout)) {
        wanted_channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(wanted_nb_channels);
        wanted_channel_layout &= ~AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO_DOWNMIX;
    wanted_nb_channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(wanted_channel_layout);
    wanted_spec.channels = wanted_nb_channels;
    wanted_spec.freq = wanted_sample_rate;
    if (wanted_spec.freq <= 0 || wanted_spec.channels <= 0) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid sample rate or channel count!\n");
        return -1;
    while (next_sample_rate_idx && next_sample_rates[next_sample_rate_idx] >= wanted_spec.freq)
    wanted_spec.format = AUDIO_S16SYS;
    wanted_spec.silence = 0;
    wanted_spec.samples = FFMAX(SDL_AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, 2 << av_log2(wanted_spec.freq / SDL_AoutGetAudioPerSecondCallBacks(ffp->aout)));
    wanted_spec.callback = sdl_audio_callback;
    wanted_spec.userdata = opaque;
    while (SDL_AoutOpenAudio(ffp->aout, &wanted_spec, &spec) < 0) {
        /* avoid infinity loop on exit. --by bbcallen */
        if (is->abort_request)
            return -1;
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "SDL_OpenAudio (%d channels, %d Hz): %s\n",
               wanted_spec.channels, wanted_spec.freq, SDL_GetError());
        wanted_spec.channels = next_nb_channels[FFMIN(7, wanted_spec.channels)];
        if (!wanted_spec.channels) {
            wanted_spec.freq = next_sample_rates[next_sample_rate_idx--];
            wanted_spec.channels = wanted_nb_channels;
            if (!wanted_spec.freq) {
                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                       "No more combinations to try, audio open failed\n");
                return -1;
        wanted_channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(wanted_spec.channels);
    if (spec.format != AUDIO_S16SYS) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR,
               "SDL advised audio format %d is not supported!\n", spec.format);
        return -1;
    if (spec.channels != wanted_spec.channels) {
        wanted_channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(spec.channels);
        if (!wanted_channel_layout) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                   "SDL advised channel count %d is not supported!\n", spec.channels);
            return -1;

    audio_hw_params->fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16;
    audio_hw_params->freq = spec.freq;
    audio_hw_params->channel_layout = wanted_channel_layout;
    audio_hw_params->channels =  spec.channels;
    audio_hw_params->frame_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, audio_hw_params->channels, 1, audio_hw_params->fmt, 1);
    audio_hw_params->bytes_per_sec = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, audio_hw_params->channels, audio_hw_params->freq, audio_hw_params->fmt, 1);
    if (audio_hw_params->bytes_per_sec <= 0 || audio_hw_params->frame_size <= 0) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "av_samples_get_buffer_size failed\n");
        return -1;

    SDL_AoutSetDefaultLatencySeconds(ffp->aout, ((double)(2 * spec.size)) / audio_hw_params->bytes_per_sec);
    return spec.size;

在其中调用了 SDL_AoutOpenAudio() 方法

int SDL_AoutOpenAudio(SDL_Aout *aout, const SDL_AudioSpec *desired, SDL_AudioSpec *obtained)
    if (aout && desired && aout->open_audio)
        return aout->open_audio(aout, desired, obtained);

    return -1;

aout->open_audio 指向的是 aout_open_audio() 方法

SDL_Aout *SDL_AoutAndroid_CreateForAudioTrack()
    SDL_Aout *aout = SDL_Aout_CreateInternal(sizeof(SDL_Aout_Opaque));
    if (!aout)
        return NULL;

    SDL_Aout_Opaque *opaque = aout->opaque;
    opaque->wakeup_cond  = SDL_CreateCond();
    opaque->wakeup_mutex = SDL_CreateMutex();
    opaque->speed        = 1.0f;

    aout->opaque_class = &g_audiotrack_class;
    aout->free_l       = aout_free_l;
    aout->open_audio   = aout_open_audio;
    aout->pause_audio  = aout_pause_audio;
    aout->flush_audio  = aout_flush_audio;
    aout->set_volume   = aout_set_volume;
    aout->close_audio  = aout_close_audio;
    aout->func_get_audio_session_id = aout_get_audio_session_id;
    aout->func_set_playback_rate    = func_set_playback_rate;

    return aout;

来看在 aout_open_audio() 处理了什么:

static int aout_open_audio(SDL_Aout *aout, const SDL_AudioSpec *desired, SDL_AudioSpec *obtained)
    // SDL_Aout_Opaque *opaque = aout->opaque;
    JNIEnv *env = NULL;
    if (JNI_OK != SDL_JNI_SetupThreadEnv(&env)) {
        ALOGE("aout_open_audio: AttachCurrentThread: failed");
        return -1;

    return aout_open_audio_n(env, aout, desired, obtained);

static int aout_open_audio_n(JNIEnv *env, SDL_Aout *aout, const SDL_AudioSpec *desired, SDL_AudioSpec *obtained)
    SDL_Aout_Opaque *opaque = aout->opaque;

    opaque->spec = *desired;
    opaque->atrack = SDL_Android_AudioTrack_new_from_sdl_spec(env, desired);
    if (!opaque->atrack) {
        ALOGE("aout_open_audio_n: failed to new AudioTrcak()");
        return -1;

    opaque->buffer_size = SDL_Android_AudioTrack_get_min_buffer_size(opaque->atrack);
    if (opaque->buffer_size <= 0) {
        ALOGE("aout_open_audio_n: failed to getMinBufferSize()");
        SDL_Android_AudioTrack_free(env, opaque->atrack);
        opaque->atrack = NULL;
        return -1;

    opaque->buffer = malloc(opaque->buffer_size);
    if (!opaque->buffer) {
        ALOGE("aout_open_audio_n: failed to allocate buffer");
        SDL_Android_AudioTrack_free(env, opaque->atrack);
        opaque->atrack = NULL;
        return -1;

    if (obtained) {
        SDL_Android_AudioTrack_get_target_spec(opaque->atrack, obtained);
        SDLTRACE("audio target format fmt:0x%x, channel:0x%x", (int)obtained->format, (int)obtained->channels);

    opaque->audio_session_id = SDL_Android_AudioTrack_getAudioSessionId(env, opaque->atrack);
    ALOGI("audio_session_id = %d\n", opaque->audio_session_id);

    opaque->pause_on = 1;
    opaque->abort_request = 0;
    opaque->audio_tid = SDL_CreateThreadEx(&opaque->_audio_tid, aout_thread, aout, "ff_aout_android");
    if (!opaque->audio_tid) {
        ALOGE("aout_open_audio_n: failed to create audio thread");
        SDL_Android_AudioTrack_free(env, opaque->atrack);
        opaque->atrack = NULL;
        return -1;

    return 0;

在最终调用的 aout_open_audio_n() 中,输出使用的是 AudioTrack ,开启了一个叫 ff_aout_android 的音频播放线程


调用完 audio_open 之后,紧接着调用了 decoder_start 方法

static int decoder_start(Decoder *d, int (*fn)(void *), void *arg, const char *name)
    d->decoder_tid = SDL_CreateThreadEx(&d->_decoder_tid, fn, arg, name);
    if (!d->decoder_tid) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "SDL_CreateThread(): %s\n", SDL_GetError());
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    return 0;

其中参数 const char *name 传的是创建线程的名字 decoder_start(&is->auddec, audio_thread, ffp, "ff_audio_dec") ,这里创建的是音频的解码线程



视频的流程与音频差不多,调用 ffpipeline_open_video_decoder 打开解码器

IJKFF_Pipenode* ffpipeline_open_video_decoder(IJKFF_Pipeline *pipeline, FFPlayer *ffp)
    return pipeline->func_open_video_decoder(pipeline, ffp);

在 ijkplayer 最开始的时候初始化了 IJKFF_Pipenode

IjkMediaPlayer *ijkmp_android_create(int(*msg_loop)(void*))
    IjkMediaPlayer *mp = ijkmp_create(msg_loop);
    if (!mp)
        goto fail;

    mp->ffplayer->vout = SDL_VoutAndroid_CreateForAndroidSurface();
    if (!mp->ffplayer->vout)
        goto fail;

    mp->ffplayer->pipeline = ffpipeline_create_from_android(mp->ffplayer);
    if (!mp->ffplayer->pipeline)
        goto fail;

    ffpipeline_set_vout(mp->ffplayer->pipeline, mp->ffplayer->vout);

    return mp;

    return NULL;

所以这里调用到了 ffpipeline_android.c 中的方法

static IJKFF_Pipenode *func_open_video_decoder(IJKFF_Pipeline *pipeline, FFPlayer *ffp)
    IJKFF_Pipeline_Opaque *opaque = pipeline->opaque;
    IJKFF_Pipenode        *node = NULL;

    if (ffp->mediacodec_all_videos || ffp->mediacodec_avc || ffp->mediacodec_hevc || ffp->mediacodec_mpeg2)
        node = ffpipenode_create_video_decoder_from_android_mediacodec(ffp, pipeline, opaque->weak_vout);
    if (!node) {
        node = ffpipenode_create_video_decoder_from_ffplay(ffp);

    return node;

从代码可以看出,如果 硬解失败的话就转软解


decoder_start(&is->viddec, video_thread, ffp, "ff_video_dec") 同样创建了一个视频的解码线程

  • 软解 :从 videoq 队列中获取视频包,解码视频帧放入 pictq 列表中
  • 硬解 :从 videoq 队列中获取视频包,推送 MediaCodec 解码,获取解码 outputbuffer index 并存储在 Picts 列表中



/* this thread gets the stream from the disk or the network */
static int read_thread(void *arg)
    // ....
    for (;;) {
    // ....
                if (is->audio_stream >= 0) {
                    packet_queue_put(&is->audioq, &flush_pkt);
                    // TODO: clear invaild audio data
                    // SDL_AoutFlushAudio(ffp->aout);
                if (is->subtitle_stream >= 0) {
                    packet_queue_put(&is->subtitleq, &flush_pkt);
                if (is->video_stream >= 0) {
                    if (ffp->node_vdec) {
                    packet_queue_put(&is->videoq, &flush_pkt);
    // ....

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