Types in Elm: Decomposition and Ad Hoc Polymorphism

 5 years ago
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New Beginnings

Since I originally learned about and tried Elm in 2013, a lot about the language has changed. Elm and I have grown distant and close several times over the years, each encounter being more pleasant than the last, but always ending somewhat abruptly and falling a bit short. After our most recent reunion, however, I feel as though the language has matured to a point where I am empowered to really move forward with the larger projects I began several years ago.

The purpose of this article is to elucidate some topics that were not abundantly clear to me as an effectively new Elm user. It builds from real problems I have encountered while writing real programs, and the solutions I devised to address those issues. These techniques revolve around how we compose and decompose types to make our programs more maintainable.

before we move forward with the specifics, I would like to take a detour through my history with Elm as a way to frame the present discussion.

Experience Thus Far

My first foray into Elm was in December of 2013, when I wrote a toy program during Ludum Dare 28 . Since that time, I have always admired the language and enjoyed returning to to it whenever I could, although that has only been to a limited extent . During the past few years, the language has been heavily refined and the focus has shifted from being heavily graphical and canvas-oriented to competing with the other mainstream frameworks. Elm now shares some core features with those frameworks that make it excellent for web application development, for instance making use of a virtual DOM implementation for efficiently handling state updates.

Elm, however, also comes with other advantages that JavaScript frameworks are incapable of offering. They type system provides both an unparalleled level of safety, but also allows for dead code elimination that far surpasses anything feasible in a highly dynamic language like JavaScript. The release of 0.19 earlier this year has brought me back to the language after an extended hiatus, and the experience thus far has be extremely pleasant.

The last time I spent any significant time with Elm, I was able to make progress on some projects of reasonable complexity, but ultimately hit a wall where the future direction of my programs started to become unclear. This was during the time when signals were the underlying principle, through when mailboxes and addresses allowed us to create our own effects. In retrospect, the most concise explanation I can now give of the problems I encountered at the time were all related with having to managing my own effects. Maintaining a series of reusable actions that could be triggered in different ways, and how to properly factor an application quickly became insurmountable hurdles.

During those intervening versions, however, Elm moved on from a functional reactive programming paradigm and, perhaps even more importantly, added a runtime that manages effects. This latter point, more than anything, has given us the ability to structure our programs in a way that feels natural and easily maintainable. As I have been writing a lot more Elm during the past month, I have stumbled upon a few new, entirely tractable, problems that I would like to discuss.

Decomposing Messages

One such problem I have encountered while writing Elm applications over a certain size is an ever expanding update function that I am never really sure how to properly factor. It is easy to have a separate function for each branch of the case statement to handle each of the message types, but that can still lead to an extremely unwieldy function right in the core of the application logic. I typically want to be able to split this logic on a per-view basis, such that all the updates are self-contained in the model module for that view, rather than at the top level.

Consider the following example, designed to invoke two simple menus: File and Edit . Each contains a number of commands, which are entirely handled by the update function, but the primary concern here is the msgToString function. We must also keep a separate messages list to be able to map over our type variants, which is mildly inconvenient, but not in particular bothersome.



import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Events as Events

type alias Model = String

type Msg
  = FileNew
  | FileOpen
  | FileSave
  | FilePrint
  | FileQuit
  | EditUndo
  | EditRedo
  | EditCopy
  | EditCut
  | EditPaste

main = Browser.sandbox
  { init = "", update = update, view = view }

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model = msgToString msg

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    ((currentView model) :: (List.map button messages))

currentView : Model -> Html Msg
currentView model =
  Html.div [] [ Html.text ("Current View: " ++ model) ]

button : Msg -> Html Msg
button msg =
    [ Events.onClick msg ]
    [ Html.text (msgToString msg) ]

msgToString : Msg -> String
msgToString msg =
  case msg of
    FileNew -> "File > New"
    FileOpen -> "File > Open"
    FileSave -> "File > Save"
    FilePrint -> "File > Print"
    FileQuit -> "File > Quit"
    EditUndo -> "Edit > Undo"
    EditRedo -> "Edit > Redo"
    EditCopy -> "Edit > Copy"
    EditCut -> "Edit > Cut"
    EditPaste -> "Edit > Paste"

messages : List Msg
messages =
  [ FileNew
  , FileOpen
  , FileSave
  , FilePrint
  , FileQuit
  , EditUndo
  , EditRedo
  , EditCopy
  , EditCut
  , EditPaste

View Result

But, what if we wanted to be able to treat the File commands and the Edit commands separately? At first, it may not be apparent how to accomplish this goal, but it is not only feasible, but rather simple. The major change is just the following: modify our Msg type so that each of its variants takes a value. This value is a separate type that is specific to the variant. In practice, this looks like: type Msg = File FileMsg | Edit EditMsg . Then, we simply define our two new FileMsg and EditMsg types to contain all their respective subordinate messages.

The following implementation exhibits the exact same behavior as the original, but using the File and Edit variants of our top-level Msg type to act like containers for our FileMsg and EditMsg types, respectively. It also shows how this technique can be used to factor out logic that is common to each top-level message.



import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Events as Events

type alias Model = String

type Msg = File FileMsg | Edit EditMsg

type FileMsg
  = New
  | Open
  | Save
  | Print
  | Quit

type EditMsg
  = Undo
  | Redo
  | Copy
  | Cut
  | Paste

main = Browser.sandbox
  { init = "", update = update, view = view }

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model = msgToString msg

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    ((currentView model) :: (List.map button messages))

currentView : Model -> Html Msg
currentView model =
  Html.div [] [ Html.text ("Current View: " ++ model) ]

button : Msg -> Html Msg
button msg =
    [ Events.onClick msg ]
    [ Html.text (msgToString msg) ]

msgToString : Msg -> String
msgToString msg =
  case msg of
    File fileMsg -> "File > " ++ fileMsgToString fileMsg
    Edit editMsg -> "Edit > " ++ editMsgToString editMsg

fileMsgToString : FileMsg -> String
fileMsgToString fileMsg =
  case fileMsg of
    New -> "New"
    Open -> "Open"
    Save -> "Save"
    Print -> "Print"
    Quit -> "Quit"

editMsgToString : EditMsg -> String
editMsgToString editMsg =
  case editMsg of
    Undo -> "Undo"
    Redo -> "Redo"
    Copy -> "Copy"
    Cut -> "Cut"
    Paste -> "Paste"

messages : List Msg
messages =
  [ File New
  , File Open
  , File Save
  , File Print
  , File Quit
  , Edit Undo
  , Edit Redo
  , Edit Copy
  , Edit Cut
  , Edit Paste

View Result

We can see that this worked exactly as expected and already pays dividends at a small scale. This becomes even more important in larger applications, where the update function can be split up across many modules that encapsulate the logic for specific parts of the application.

Ad Hoc Polymorphism

This next technique somehow feels like abusing the type system, while still working entirely within is boundaries. In particular, we are going to devise a way to treat different types of things as through they were the same. We are going to effectively define a method for achieving ad hoc polymorphism in Elm.

The example I am using here will hopefully resonate with most readers: simple form controls. Imagine we have radio buttons and checkboxes, which both have a lot of shared behavior, but also the distinct behavior that one only allows for a single selection, while the other allows for any number of selection. So long as we do not need to mix these on the page, it is easy enough to define them separately and simply map over the lists of each and composing the HTML result afterwards, as in the following example.

This example has two simple type aliases for a Radio and a Checkbox . They both share a common label: String field, but differ in that their value fields have types of String and List String respectively. In this case, it would not be impossible to simply allow radio buttons to have a list of values, but, for the sake of argument, imagine such a solution were not tenable.



import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)

type alias Radio =
  { label: String, selected: String}

type alias Checkbox =
  { label: String, selected: List String }

radios : List Radio
radios =
  [ Radio "First Radio" "First Selection"
  , Radio "Second Radio" "Second Selection"

checkboxes : List Checkbox
checkboxes =
  [ Checkbox "First Checkbox" [ "First Selection One", "First Selection Two" ]
  , Checkbox "Second Checkbox" [ "Second Selection One", "Second Selection Two" ]

main = Browser.sandbox
  { init = (), update = identity, view = view }

view : () -> Html (() -> ())
view nothing =
  div (List.append
    (List.map radio radios)
    (List.map checkbox checkboxes))

radio : Radio -> Html msg
radio {label, selected} =
  div [ (Html.text (label ++ ": " ++ selected)) ]

checkbox : Checkbox -> Html msg
checkbox {label, selected} =
  div [ (Html.text (label ++ ": " ++ (String.join ", " selected))) ]

div : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
div = Html.div []

View Result

But what if we need to have a mixture of radios and checkboxes throughout our form? We can do something horrifying, like having firstRadio , secondRadio , firstCheckbox , and secondCheckbox functions, which certainly works in simple cases, but not so much in the real world. What we really want, though, is to be able to treat radios and checkboxes the same; we want them to be polymorphic. Since Elm does not support type classes this must be impossible. There are other ways to work around this current limitation , but there it is also possible to leverage the type system to accomplish something very similar.

This technique borrows its name from Eric Evan's book Domain-Driven Design, although it takes on a very different meaning. Still, it is worth understanding the origin of the term, so here is the original definition as an aside:

 A specification is a predicate that determines if an object does or does not satisfy some criteria. Many specifications are simple [...]. In cases where the rules are complex, the concept can be extended to allow simple specifications to be combined, just as predicates are combined with logical operators. [...] The fundamental pattern stays the same and provides a path from the simpler to more complex models. 

In our example, instead of specifications being a predicate, they instead function as an augment to some other type. This means we are able to have some shared behavior in a base type and then add additional behavior to that type. This is reminiscent of extensible records , but also somewhat different.

We start by creating a single, higher-order type, a Control that will encapsulate the shared behavior of both radios and checkboxes, specifically having a label and a spec field. The Specification type is defined in the same way as the decomposed messages in the first example, with the type acting like a box for holding a specification. In this example, the Radio and Checkbox types work as concrete implementations of a specification. Lastly, we simply need to define our list of controls, write a view function to handle them, and modify our other view functions slightly to also accept a specification.



import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)

type Specification
  = RadioSpec Radio
  | CheckboxSpec Checkbox

type alias Control =
  { label: String, spec: Specification }

type alias Radio =
  { selected: String }

type alias Checkbox =
  { selected: List String }

controls : List Control
controls =
  [ Control
      "First Radio"
      (RadioSpec (Radio "First Selection"))

  , Control
      "First Checkbox"
      (CheckboxSpec (Checkbox [ "First Selection One", "First Selection Two" ]))

  , Control
      "Second Radio"
      (RadioSpec (Radio "Second Selection"))

  , Control
      "Second Checkbox"
      (CheckboxSpec (Checkbox [ "Second Selection One", "Second Selection Two" ]))

main = Browser.sandbox
  { init = (), update = identity, view = view }

view : () -> Html (() -> ())
view nothing =
  div (List.map control controls)

control : Control -> Html msg
control ({spec} as ctrl) =
  case spec of
    RadioSpec radioSpec -> radio ctrl radioSpec
    CheckboxSpec checkboxSpec -> checkbox ctrl checkboxSpec

radio : Control -> Radio -> Html msg
radio {label} {selected} =
  div [ (Html.text (label ++ ": " ++ selected)) ]

checkbox : Control -> Checkbox -> Html msg
checkbox {label} {selected} =
  div [ (Html.text (label ++ ": " ++ (String.join ", " selected))) ]

div : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
div = Html.div []

View Result

As this example shows, we have found a way to treat checkboxes and radio buttons as if they were they were simply controls. In practice, I have found this to be extremely useful, albeit a little strange. There is a bit more boilerplate in defining our list of controls , but other than a few additional type constructors, it amounts to very little.

Reductio Ad Minimum

These two techniques can significantly simplify certain aspects of an Elm application. Decomposing messages to make our main update function easer to understand at a glance by factoring out the concerns into separate functions that can then be stored in separate modules. Using the ad hoc polymorphism outlined above makes it possible to for us to combine related sets of data and treat them as functionally equivalent. This could probably be abused, but in reasonable situations, appears to be a safe technique to deploy.

One thing I often struggle with when writing Elm is making large-scale changes to my types, such as the ones above. The way that types flow through the application is one of the nicest aspects of working with Elm. While greatly simplifying refactors by the compiler identifying and helping to fix mistakes, the flow of types can have cascading effects during experimental changes that are difficult to untangle. In these cases, my solution is to construct an example that is reduced to the bare minimum of moving parts. The examples in this article are exactly that: the result of my inability to concretely understand how to accomplish these goals in a real application, and me resorting to a scratch pad to work through them conceptually. Once I arrive at a concrete implementation, I am then able to apply that to my actual problem.

Often there is no recourse other than trimming away as much non-essential information as possible to help me understand the issue at hand.

In conclusion, I want to reinforce that there is no better time than now to try out Elm. The guide is a great resource and a perfect place to start.

19 Nov 2018

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK