minified-size - command-line tool to estimate the size of minified and gzipped f...

 5 years ago
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Estimates the size of minified and gzipped JavaScript files. Check, how much space will a particular script take in the minified output.

Command-line usage

Make sure that you have NodeJS >= 8 installed. Install the minified-size package globally:

$ npm install -g minified-size

Print the original, expected minified and gzipped sizes of a sample file:

$ minified-size lib/index.js
lib/index.js: 2.54 kB, 1.48 kB, 643 B

Running minified-size without any parameters will print usage instructions:

Usage: minified-size [options] <file>, ... | --

  Estimates the size of minified and gzipped JavaScript files.


    -V, --version           output the version number
    -j, --json              print results in the JSON format
    -r, --raw-sizes         print sizes in bytes as integers
    -o, --no-original-size  prevents printing the size of the original code
    -m, --no-minified-size  prevents printing the size of the minified code
    -g, --no-gzipped-size   prevents printing the size of the gzipped code
    -h, --help              output usage information

  All three sizes are estimated by default. File paths may contain wildcards.
  If "--" is entered instead of files, the standard input will be read.

Programmatic usage

Make sure that you use NodeJS >= 8. Install the minified-size package locally:

npm install --save minified-size

Get the original, expected minified and gzipped sizes (in bytes) of a sample file:

const minifiedSize = require('minified-size')
const files = [ 'lib/index.js' ]
const results = await minifiedSize({ files })
// [ { file: 'lib/index.js',
//     originalSize: 2544,
//     minifiedSize: 1482,
//     gzippedSize: 643 } ]


  • files - an array of strings with file paths to load and process
  • streams - an array of readable streams with source code to process
  • sources - an array of strings with source code to process
  • gzip - a boolean to disable estimating the gzipped output size, or an object with options for gzip .


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 2018-08-31 v0.2.2 Support Windows paths
  • 2018-08-31 v0.2.0 Support source code read from standard input
  • 2018-08-31 v0.1.0 Support wildcards in the input file paths
  • 2018-08-31 v0.0.1 Initial release


Copyright (c) 2018 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.

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