Bhishan Bhandari: Python Tuples

 5 years ago
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This is an introductory post about tuples in python. We will see through examples what are tuples, its immutable property, use cases, various operations on it. Rather than a blog, it is a set of examples on tuples in python


It is a sequence of objects in python. Unlike lists, tuple are immutable which means the contents of a tuple can’t be changed once assigned. We will see in a bit through example immutable property of tuples.

Defining a Tuple

Tuples are generally created by enclosing a sequence of objects inside parentheses. “(” and “)”

>>> ip_addresses = ("", "", "")
>>> type(ip_addresses)

<class tuple="">

Defining an empty tuple vs single element tuple vs multi-element tuple

>>> # empty tuple
>>> ip_addresses = ()
>>> type(ip_addresses)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> # multi-element tuple
>>> ip_addresses = ("", "", "")
>>> type(ip_addresses)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> # single element tuple
>>> ip_addresses = ("") # incorrect
>>> type(ip_addresses)
<class 'str'>
>>> ip_addresses = ("",)
>>> type(ip_addresses)
<class 'tuple'>

From the code snippet above, the method of defining an empty tuple and multi-element tuple seems obvious. However, what’s not obvious is that ip_addresses = (“”) evaluates to a str type instead of a tuple. Although a single element tuple is very rare to come in use, there had to be a way to define it. Hence, a single element tuple should end with a comma “,” for the interpreter to evaluate it as a tuple.

Parentheses is also optional

>>> ip_addresses = "", "", ""
>>> type(ip_addresses)
<class 'tuple'>

It is also optional to have the parentheses to define a tuple. This is possible due to a mechanism called packing which is one of the many useful features of Python.

Packing and Unpacking

Packing as the name suggest is creating an object by packing multiple other objects to make one compact object. Unpacking on the other hand is the vice-versa such that an object is unpacked and assigned to variables the elements of the tuple.

>>> # packing example
>>> ip_addresses = "", "", ""

>>> # unpacking example
>>> ip, ip2, ip3 = ip_addresses
>>> ip
>>> ip2
>>> ip3

The number of variables on the left should equal the number of elements to be unpacked

>>> ip, ip2 = ip_addresses
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
>>> ip, ip2, ip3, ip4 = ip_addresses
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 3)

Accessing elements from a tuple through index

>>> ip_addresses = ("", "", "")
>>> ip_addresses[1]
>>> ip_addresses[-1]

Looping over elements of a tuple

>>> ip_addresses = ("", "", "")
>>> for each_ip in ip_addresses:
...     print(each_ip)


>>> ip_addresses[1:]
('', '')

>>> ip_addresses[:-1]
('', '')

Tuples are immutable

>>> ip_addresses[0] = "Accidental edit"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Tuples are immutable. This avoids accidental data change attempts.

Concatenation and Multiplication

>>> us_east_ips = ("", "", "")
>>> us_west_ips = ("", "")
>>> type(us_east_ips)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> type(us_west_ips)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> all_ips = us_east_ips + us_west_ips
>>> type(all_ips)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> all_ips
('', '', '', '', '')

Concatenation of two tuples returns a third tuple which contains the all the contents of the both tuples copied in order.

>>> duplicate_values = ("duplicate",)
>>> type(duplicate_values)
<class 'tuple'>
>>> duplicate_values * 5
('duplicate', 'duplicate', 'duplicate', 'duplicate', 'duplicate')

Count elements in a tuple

>>> arbitrary_values = ('thetaranights.com', 'python', 'python', 'tutorials')
>>> arbitrary_values.count('python')

Find index of an element

>>> arbitrary_values = ('thetaranights.com', 'python', 'python', 'tutorials')
>>> arbitrary_values.index('tutorials')

Comparison of tuples

Comparison operators work for tuples too. The evaluation starts by comparing the first elements from the either tuples and proceeds on further elements until conclusive.

>>> tup = (7, 14, 20)
>>> tup2 = (7, 14, 21)
>>> tup < tup2
>>> tup > tup2

For tup<tup2

It compares the first elements from either tuples 7<7 which is inconclusive, it then proceeds to comparing 14<14, still inconclusive, finally 20<21, hence True

Similar is the case for tup > tup2.

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