GitHub - dankogai/swift-sion: Swift Interchangeable Object Notation

 5 years ago
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Swift Interchangeable Object Notation

Swift 4.1 MIT LiCENSE build status


import SION
var sion:SION = [
    "nil":      nil,
    "bool":     true,
    "int":      -42,
    "double":   42.195,
    "string":   "漢字、カタカナ、ひらがなの入ったstring?",
    "array":    [nil, true, 1, 1.0, "one", [1], ["one":1.0]],
    "dictionary":   [
        "nil":nil, "bool":false, "int":0, "double":0.0, "string":"","array":[], "object":[:]
sion["date"] = .Date(0x0p+0)


This module is both an introduction and a reference implementation of SION, a data serialization format that is like JSON but more capable.

  • As JSON is originated from a {ECMA,Java}Script literal, SION is originated from a Swift literal.
  • It can serialize anything JSON can. Plus
    • support Data
    • support Date
    • non-String keys in Dictionary
    • Int and Double distinctively, not Number. Therefore you can exchange 64-bit integers losslessly.
    • // comment support!
  • Roughly equvalent to MsgPack in terms of capability.
    • MsgPack is a binary serialization while SION is a text serialization.

Type SION MsgPack JSON Property List Comment Nil ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ❌ plist: .binary only Bool ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎

Int ✔︎ ✔︎ ❌ ✔︎ 64bit Double ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ JSON's Number String ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ utf-8 encoded Data ✔︎ ✔︎ ❌ ✔︎ binary blob Date ✔︎ ✔︎ ❌ ✔︎ .timeIntervalSince1970 in Double [Self] ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ aka Array [String:Self] ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ ✔︎ aka Object, Map… [Self:Self] ✔︎ ✔︎ ❌ ❌ non-String keys

  • As you see SION is upper-compatible with JSON and Property List. As a matter of fact, SION can {,de}serialize JSON and Property List.
  • TODO: MsgPack {,de}serializer.


You can build SION directly as a literal.

var sion:SION = [
    "nil":      nil,
    "bool":     true,
    "int":      -42,
    "double":   42.195,
    "string":   "漢字、カタカナ、ひらがなの入ったstring?",
    "array":    [nil, true, 1, 1.0, "one", [1], ["one":1.0]],
    "dictionary":   [
        "nil":nil, "bool":false, "int":0, "double":0.0, "string":"","array":[], "object":[:]
sion["date"] = .Date(0.0)


Note that the RHS of the expression below is not exactly nil or true or -42. They are SION.Nil and SION.Bool(-42) and SION.Int(-42) respectively. That is why .Data and .Date are added later. Swift gets confused when you say

var sion:SION = [
    "string": "漢字、カタカナ、ひらがなの入ったstring?",

Because it cannot tell they type of the content in. "". In which case you can explicitly say

var sion:SION = [
    "string": .String("漢字、カタカナ、ひらがなの入ったstring?"),

or add "data" later.

from String

let sionStr = """
    "array": [
        1,      // Int
        1.0,    // Double
        ["one" : 1.0]
    "bool": true,
    "date": .Date(0x0p+0),
    "dictionary": [
        "array" : [],
        "bool" : false,
        "double" : 0x0p+0,
        "int" : 0,
        "nil" : nil,
        "object" : [:],
        "string" : ""
    "double": 0x1.518f5c28f5c29p+5, // double in hex
    "int": -42,                     // int in hex
    "nil": nil,
    "string": "漢字、カタカナ、ひらがなの入ったstring?",
    "url": "https://github.com/dankogai/"

from JSON string or JSON-emitting URL…

let jsonStr = """
    "array" : [
      "one" : 1.0
    "bool" : true,
    "dictionary" : {
        "array" : [],
        "bool" : false,
        "double" : 0.0,
        "int" : 0,
        "nil" : null,
        "object" : {},
        "string" : ""
    "double" : 42.195,
    "int" : -42,
    "nil" : null,
    "string" : "漢字、カタカナ、ひらがなの入ったstring?",
    "url" : "https://github.com/dankogai/"

from Property List

let plistXML = """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
SION(propertyList:plistXML.data(using:.utf8)!, format:.xml)


once you have the SION object, converting to other formats is simple.

to SION string, all you need is stringify it. .description or "(json)" would be enough.

"\(sion)"				// SION is CustomStringConvertible

If you need JSON, simply call .json.



Since JSON does not support Date and Data, .json converts Date to Number and Date to Base64-encoded String respectively. .json also coverts all non-String keys to String. Do not expect JSON to round trip. It is less expressive than SION.

You can also get YAML via .yaml.


And .propertyList for Property List.

// pick() removes Nil
String(data:try! sion.pick{ !$0.isNil }.propertyList(format: .xml), encoding:.utf8)!


a blank SION Array is as simple as:

var sion = SION([])

and you can assign elements like an ordinary array

sion[0] = nil
sion[1] = true
sion[2] = 1

note RHS literals are NOT nil, true and 1 but .Null, .Bool(true) and .Number(1). Therefore this does NOT work

let one = "one"
sion[3] = one // error: cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'SION'

In which case you do this instead.

sion[3].string = one

They are all getters and setters.

sion[1].bool       = true
sion[2].int        = 1
sion[3].double     = 1.0
sion[4].string     = "one"
sion[5].array      = [1]
sion[6].dictionary = ["one":1]

As a getter they are optional which returns nil when the type mismaches.

sion[1].bool    // Optional(true)
sion[1].int     // nil

Therefore, you can mutate like so:

sion[2].int! += 1               // now 2
sion[3].double! *= 0.5          // now 0.5
sion[4].string!.removeLast()    // now "on"
sion[5].array!.append(2)        // now [1, 2]
sion[6].dictionary!["two"] = 2  // now ["one":1,"two":2]

When you assign values to SION array with an out-of-bound index, it is automatically streched with unassigned elements set to null, just like an ECMAScript Array

sion[10] = false	// sion[6...9] are null

As you may have guessed by now, a blank SION dictionary is:

sion = SION([:])

And manipulate intuitively like so.

sion["nil"]         = nil
sion["bool"]        = false
sion["int"]         = 0
sion["double"]      = 0.0
sion["string"]      = ""
sion["array"]       = []
sion["dictionary"]  = [:]

deep traversal

SION is a recursive data type. For recursive data types, you need a recursive method that traverses the data deep down. For that purpuse, SION offers .pick and .walk.

.pick is a ".deepFilter" that filters recursively. You've already seen it above. It takes a filter function of type (SION)->Bool. That function is applied to all leaf values of the tree and leaves that do not meet the predicate are pruned.

// because property list does not accept null
let sion4plist = sion.pick{ !$0.isNil }

.walk is a deepMap that transforms recursively. This one is a little harder because you have to consider what to do on node and leaves separately. To make your life easier three different versions of .walk are provided. The first one just takes a leaf node.

// square all ints and leave anything else 
SION([0,[1,[2,3,[4,5,6]]], true]).walk {
    guard let n = $0.int else { return $0 }
    return SION(n * n)

The second forms just takes a node. Instead of explaining it, let me show you how .pick is implemented by extending SION with .select that does exactly the same as .pick.

extension SION {
    func select(picker:(SION)->Bool)->SION {
        return self.walk{ node, pairs, depth in
            switch node.type {
            case .array:
                return .Array(pairs.map{ $0.1 }.filter({ picker($0) }) )
            case .dictionary:
                var o = [Key:Value]()
                pairs.filter{ picker($0.1) }.forEach{ o[$0.0.key!] = $0.1 }
                return .Dictionary(o)
                return .Error(.notIterable(node.type))

And the last form takes both. Unlike the previous ones this one can return other than SION. Here is how .yaml is implemented.

extension SION {
    public var yaml:String {
        return self.walk(depth:0, collect:{ node, pairs, depth in
            let indent = Swift.String(repeating:"  ", count:depth)
            var result = ""
            switch node.type {
            case .array:
                guard !pairs.isEmpty else { return "[]"}
                result = pairs.map{ "- " + $0.1}.map{indent + $0}.joined(separator: "\n")
            case .dictionary:
                guard !pairs.isEmpty else { return "{}"}
                result = pairs.sorted{ $0.0.description < $1.0.description }.map{
                    let k = $0.0.string ?? $0.0.description
                    let q = k.rangeOfCharacter(from: .newlines) != nil
                    return (q ? k.debugDescription : k) + ": "  + $0.1
                }.map{indent + $0}.joined(separator: "\n")
                break   // never reaches here
            return "\n" + result
            if $0.isNil { return  "~" }
            if let s = $0.string {
                return s.rangeOfCharacter(from: .newlines) == nil ? s : s.debugDescription
            return $0.description

Protocol Conformance

  • SION is Equatable so you can check if two JSONs are the same.
SION(string:foo) == SION(jsonUrlString:"https://example.com/whereever")
  • SION is Hashable so you can use it as a dictionary key.

  • SION is ExpressibleBy*Literal. That's why you can initialize w/ variable:JSON construct show above.

  • SION is CustomStringConvertible whose .description is always a valid SION.

  • SION is Codable.

  • SION is Sequence. But when you iterate, be careful with the key.

let sa:SION = [nil, true, 1, "one", [1], ["one":1]]
// wrong!
for v in ja {
// right!
for (i, v) in sa {
	// i is NOT an Integer but SION
	// To access its value, say i.int!
let sd:SION = [
    "null":nil, "bool":false, "number":0, "string":"",
    "array":[], "object":[:]
for (k, v) in sd {
	// k is NOT an Integer but SION.
	// To access its value, say k.string!

That is because swift demands to return same Element type. If you feel this counterintuitive, you can simply use .array or .dictionary:

for v in sa.array! {
	// ...
for (k, v) in dictionary! {
	// ...

Error handling

Once inited, SION never fails. That is, it never becomes nil. Instead of being failable or throwing exceptions, SION has a special value .Error(.ErrorType) which propagates across the method invocations. The following code examines the error should it happen.

if let e = sion.error {
	if let nsError = e.nsError {
		// do anything with nsError



$ git clone https://github.com/dankogai/swift-sion.git
$ cd swift-sion # the following assumes your $PWD is here
$ swift build



$ scripts/run-repl.sh


$ swift build && swift -I.build/debug -L.build/debug -lJSON

and in your repl,

  1> import SION
  2> let json:SION = ["swift":["safe","fast","expressive"]]
sion: SION.SION = Object {
  Object = 1 key/value pair {
    [0] = {
      key = "swift"
      value = Array {
        Array = 3 values {
          [0] = String {
            String = "safe"
          [1] = String {
            String = "fast"
          [2] = String {
            String = "expressive"


Xcode project is deliberately excluded from the repository because it should be generated via swift package generate-xcodeproj . For convenience, you can

$ scripts/prep-xcode

And the Workspace opens up for you with Playground on top. The playground is written as a manual.

iOS and Swift Playground

Unfortunately Swift Package Manager does not support iOS. To make matters worse Swift Playgrounds does not support modules. But don't worry. This module is so compact all you need is copy SION.swift.

In case of Swift Playgrounds just copy it under Sources folder. If you are too lazy just run:

$ scripts/ios-prep.sh

and iOS/JSON.playground is all set. You do not have to import JSON therein.

From Your SwiftPM-Managed Projects

Add the following to the dependencies section:

  url: "https://github.com/dankogai/swift-sion.git", from: "0.0.0"

and the following to the .target argument:

  name: "YourSwiftyPackage",
  dependencies: ["SION"])

Now all you have to do is:

import SION

in your code. Enjoy!


Swift 4.1 or better, OS X or Linux to build.

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